Mindset Magic
Group Coaching for
Competitive Riders

Become a more motivated, focused & confident rider so you can do your best and you get the results you deserve!

The exhilaration of competing is one of the reasons we ride (in my opinion), but if you’re demotivated, unfocused or fearful then you will not perform at your best and be successful.
It’s so common as a rider to be demotivated, unfocused or have fears or anxieties that stop us from riding at our best, but you can break free from them, so you can become more successful rider.

Does any of this
sound familiar?
You get stuck and then demotivated, then think about giving up, even though you know in your heart you want to compete.
You struggle to get focused on what you need to do.
You feel overwhelmed and don't know where to start or how to plan for your competitions.
You want accountability to keep progressing and moving towards your goal.
You enjoy the camaraderie and support of other riders
You feel guilty that you’ve got a great horse and his talents are being wasted.
You’re getting angry and disappointed with yourself or your horse when things don’t go to plan.
You’re getting frustrated with yourself for not just being able to ‘get over’ your fears.
You’ve had a fall and it’s really knocked your confidence. You fear getting into the same situation again so you avoid doing certain things altogether.

Putting you back in control, so you can have the most success with your horse
Imagine if you could have a feeling of excitement when you compete with your horse every time.
If you’re feeling anxiety or fear before and during your ride, it can have a huge impact on it because the focus is on the negative emotion rather than the ride. When you learn instead to focus on positive feelings, it creates the opportunity for not just a more enjoyable ride, but to be more successful too.
The good news is, you can become a confident, focused & motivated rider and you can start to enjoy competing with your horse.
Your Horse is Your Mirror
OMG! I just have to tell you! These sessions are really unlocking things for me!

I am still following your posts. I love the little ‘hints’ or ‘reminders’ that you post.
I am doing really well at present; I use the visualisation a lot and also the ‘time line’ – where I have to start where I am, think of where I want to be, and work on the stages to get there!
Keep at it – you are doing a great job.

Here's how I can support you
Over 6 months (from April to September or October to March inclusive) there will be group coaching, masterclasses and Q&A sessions
I will help you set goals that appeal to your unconscious mind and help you create an action plan for success.
I will help you to unpick mindset blocks and limiting beliefs. We’ll dig into unconscious self-beliefs that you may have acquired over the years and reframe them so your emotions can become more positive.
You will be supported to address your fears in a constructive way and I will give you tools and techniques to overcome them.
I use a variety of techniques but mostly NLP and hypnotherapy. I also use my experience and training in horsemanship to support your journey. These techniques all work together to get your mind in a place where you can start to become a calm and confident rider.
"I find myself returning to the things we worked through and listening to the inner voice which has shifted from being one that encouraged me to hesitate to one that reassures and has given me confidence and a calmness that I can apply to any life situation.”
You will
be able to .....
Remain calm and focused before riding your horse, going into competitions or trying new activities with your horse for the first time.
Reframe when things don’t go to plan, so they don’t knock your confidence.
Understand where your anxieties and fears stem from, you’ll have had help to separate yourself from the fears, to overcome them and to reframe the experiences that created those fears in a way that leaves you feeling positive.
Feel more in control of your own emotions, so they don’t run the show, you do.

The Brass Tacks

Six 45 minute group coaching sessions between April and September, carried out virtually using Zoom
Access to my Mindset Magic private FaceBook Group where you can reach out for support between sessions and with 16 bite-sized audio sessions to help reduce fear and build your confidence whenever you need them. These will help to keep reinforcing the techniques that we use and more besides. Worth £150
Ongoing support via WhatsApp group, where you can also ask for help
You will need to put in some work to get results; when we work together, I don’t just ‘do’ stuff to you, we work together and I’ll give you techniques to take away and use to create more calm and decrease anxiety before and during a ride.
Optional extra private coaching sessions (these are not available to everyone)
"I have trust and confidence in my decision-making and feel strong enough to control the controllables and focus on positives rather than the negatives."
What's my investment?
Pay in full
includes access to my Mindset Magic group and audio modules worth £150
Pay monthly
£45 x 6
includes access to my Mindset Magic group and audio modules worth £150
It's for you if:
You know that the fear you are feeling is unwarranted and maybe irrational, but you can't shake it off.
You want to be able to compete knowing you’ve got the tools to help you remain calm and focused, without everything around you making you wobble.
Maybe you want support and accountability to stay motivated, or want to take yourself out of your comfort zone so you can achieve more with your horse.
It's not for you if:
Your horse really misbehaves or if you’ve had an accident through your horse being unsafe.
Your horse regularly bucks, bolts, rears. If it does any of those things, it’s not in your head. It’s a problem with the horse. The first step I would suggest is to contact a vet or a physio to get your horse assessed. Next I would suggest getting saddle and bridle checked. If that’s all OK, your next steps would be to get help from a horsemanship specialist. Please get in touch, I am happy to recommend specialists in your local area.
Frequently Asked Questions

I’m not comfortable asking for help…

Everyone can feel that way, it’s feeling and/or knowing that you want to change and taking the first steps that matters. If you are feeling this way, I encourage you to reach out to me for a chat to see if it’s right for you.

Can I work with a trainer alongside this programme?

Yes, absolutely. Their skills focus primarily on your riding ability and technique, I’m working with what goes on in your head.

I don't have a lot of time

All the sessions are recorded and shared or published in Mindset Magic FaceBook Group, so you can catch up at any time to suit you

I’ve been struggling with a particular fear for a long time, will you be able to help me?

Yes, If you’ve been struggling with a fear for a long time, it’s likely it stems back to an event in your childhood which is probably unrelated to horses and your unconscious has been reinforcing that fear throughout your life.

Will I be in control if I am under hypnosis?

Yes, I can’t make you do something you don’t want to do. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis, you are in control all the time.